Four Types of Plastic Strapping


Polypropylene is the most economical, lightweight, and well suited for most light to medium weight bundling and light palletizing applications.


4 types of plastic strapping 

Polyester is rapidly replacing steel for medium to heavy duty unitizing and palletizing applications. Polyester has the highest retained tension of the four kinds.


Polyester Cord operates like a flat rope because it's very portable and no tools are necessary. Cord comes in three types; bonded, woven, and composite. Bonded is the most economi­cal while woven has bi-directional fibers for greater split resistance. Composite cord is polyester fibers coated with a clear polypropylene layer.


Nylon is almost entirely not used anymore. It used to be famous for its high cost and highest tension recovery. Today, less expensive polyester has all but totally replaced nylon. 

Now that you understand the differences between each type, shop our full line of strapping, tools and accessories.


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