How to Identify Plastic Strapping

You may be wondering how you can tell what is what, when it comes to plastic strapping. Here's a quick reference to use in identifying the differences.

Polypropylene (PP)

Usually textured or embossed. Made in standard colors-white, yellow, black blue, and clear.

Polyester (PET)

Smooth and glossy slick in appear­ance like the green plastic soda bottles we all love. Usually shiny green or shiny black in color.


Tear it up

To tell the difference, you can easily tear lengthwise polypropylene while polyester will not easily split. A 2 or 3 inch section of (PET) will sink when placed in water, (PP) will float.



You can often easily identify and cross reference plastic strapping by the manufacturer's product code. If the product code is not available then collect as much of the following information as possible.

Physical attributes of the coil such as coil face and core inside diameter (I.D.) are critical. The product's width, finish, footage, thickness, color, and break strength are other physical references needed for proper identifica­tion

How it’s applied, manually or by machine, will help determine the grade required. Lastly, using the info above, determine whether the product is polypropylene or polyester.
















Be sure to check out our full line of strapping, tools, and accessories.


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