Stretch Film Containment

Containment Force

Force to load is the amount of force the film exerts on the load to maintain its integrity. This is extremely important when down-gauging. This measurement will show you that the load integrity is just as good, or better than it was before.











Keys to Containment

  • A wrapping standard is established
  • Total film revolutions are consistent
  • Containment force is equal
  • Film weight is known, consistent, and repeatable


Pre Stretch: Normally a fixed value affected by the equipment's gear ratio. This is the amount of stretch achieved in the equipment's pre-stretch rollers.

Force-to-Load Stretch: The amount film stretches as it is applied to the load. This figure may deviate from the equipment's pre-stretch. Factors such as equipment settings and film composition affect the "on pallet" stretch.

Cut and Weigh: Exactly what it says. Cut the film off and weigh it. This is the only way to exactly know the customer's cost per load. Always make sure you get this reading before making any changes to the wrapper. It is suggested that a digital scale be used to calculate the weight.


Be sure to check out our full selection on stretch film.


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